
Email me for private mathematics or music tuition: william.a.troiani@gmail.com

Projet final d'études (PFE)

Lydia Bakiri's undergraduate research project (written in french) Le théorème de Nielsen-Schreier, deux approches différentes

Shadows of computation

This is a free, online course running parallel to the Séminaire étudiant de théorie des catégorie course. Shadows of computation has its own dedicated webpage.

Séminaire étudiant de théorie des catégorie

This course was taught alongside Francesca Pratali.

Week 1: What is a category? Notes, problems
Week 2: Structure preservation. Notes, problems
Week 3: Naturality, presenting mathematics. Notes, problems
Week 4: The Yoneda Lemma. Notes, Assignment 1 notes, problems,
Week 5: Adjoint functors. Notes, problems.
Week 6: More on adjoint functors. Notes, problems
Week 7: Universal properties. Notes, problems
Week 8: Notions of computation, presenting mathematics 2. Notes, problems
Week 9: More on limits, colimits, and adjoint functors. Notes, problems
Week 10: Monads and adjunctions. Notes
Week 11: Sample presentations, analytic functors (Will) and Abelian categories (Francesca). Analytic functors, Abelian categories, problems
Week 12: Student's presentations.
Week 13: Feedback, presenting mathematics 3. Assignments: One due 20/10/22. Two due 1/12/22.

Cryptography and security, University of Melbourne (head tutor, 2021)

Week 1: Introduction.
Week 2: Euclidean Algorithm.
Week 3: Ciphers. problems, solutions
Week 4: One time pad, block ciphers. problems, solutions
Week 5: RSA. problems, solutions RSA
Week 6: RSA again. problems, solutions
Week 7: Hash functions and digital signatures. problems and solutions
Week 8: Message authentication, symmetric key distribution protocol. problems, solutions
Week 9: Key management and distribution, ElGamal. problems, solutions
Week 10: Schnorr. Schnorr Algorithm
Week 11: Finite fields. problems, solutions
Week 12: Authentication, Murkle trees. problems, solutions